The concept of Chakravarti Kings and Chakravarti Dynasty

The information about the concept of Chakravarti is mentioned in the Tripitaka Canon written in Lanka. Chakkawaththi Seehanaada Sutta and Chakkawaththi Sutta are the some Suttas in Tripitaka Canon which carry information about Chakravarti kings. In addition to these, it is mentioned in the character of Buddha as well.

In the story of Buddha, after the birth of Prince Sidduhath, few hermits who have gained the highest knowledge, including hermit Asitha, came to the royal palace for the naming ceremony of the prince. When the prince was taken to the hermits, most of them had one common opinion that “one day this prince will be a Chakravarti King. Otherwise he will gain the super-mundane Enlightenment”. Since all the hermits have gained the highest knowledge we can elaborate on one truth derived from this statement.

This absolute truth is that if one Buddha gains the Enlightenment, a Chakravarti King will not come in to the throne in the same period of time and if one Chakravarti King comes in the throne, a Buddha will not gain Enlightenment in the same period of time. Both these incidents i.e. the Enlightenment of Buddha and a king coming in to the throne as a Chakravarti King will not occur in the same period. They do not occur in parallel, will not occur at the same time.

The other truth sets in this is that a Chakravarti King will not be born and come in to throne in any country other than in this Helabima  and this country will be the home for all Buddhas and they will gain Enlightenment in this country.

Here, another important thing can be highlighted. According to the Chakkawaththi Seehanaada Sutta, during the reign of Chakravarti Kings they will rule their country with Dasa Raaja Dharma.[1]A majority of the country men will lead their lives based on codes of virtues. The king is fair and justice. The rulers are fair and justice. Because of that people have no any need to commit sins. An ideal environment to carry out all types of meritorious acts, Pinkam, is set in the country. People perform meritorious acts. They experience long and happily life. Because of this environment the ordinary people do not get any opportunity to understand the Dukkha, the sorrow. They stick on to meritorious acts only, Pinkam, but not wholesome acts, Kusal. Because of this the people live in a kingdom of Chakravarti King, do not get the knowledge to carry out Kusalassa Upasampada. In a time period of this nature people are not capable enough and do not have any means to understand Nibbana. And they do not have any need to understand Nibbana either. The sorrow is not something heard by them. People experience the least conditions of sorrow. The society is righteous. There are no any scarcities and difficulties. The king is absolutely fare and justice. The king rules the country following the principles in Dasa Raaja Dharma.  All the ministers and the people in the country who follow that king refrain from ten unwholesome acts, Dasa Akusal, perform meritorious acts, Pin, acquire merits and pass away after experiencing long life.

During the times of Chakravarti Kings many people and gods are born with acquired merits and blessed with the opportunities to attend in to Nibbana. Because, this is the nature of the period of a Chakravarti King, the very next era will certainly be a Buddha Kalpa where a Buddha will come in to this world. During the times of Chakravarti Kings, people and the gods do not get any opportunity to understand Nibbana. Nobody knows and can explain the wholesome acts, Kusal. This story can be seen in the Dahamsoda Jathaka. Other than a Pachcheka Buddha, no one can attend in to Nibbana in this era.

Hence it is clear that in prior to any Buddha Kalpa where a Buddha attends in to his Enlightenment, prior to the birth of a Buddha, a Chakravarti Dynasty comes in to being, the king comes in to throne, many people & gods acquire merits and are blessed with the opportunities to experience Nibbana. This setting up is a must and that is the nature of the Dharmatha. This era is called Pubbetha Katha Punnathaa.

All these things occur in this Helabima. Attending in to the Enlightenment by all the Buddhas in the past and coming in to the throne by all the Chakravarti Kings in the past were occurred in this Heladeepa, the main place out of all the countries in the world, the most sacred country in the whole world. It is impossible to occur a sacred incident of this nature in India or any other country in the world. A particular universal energy enabling a sacred incident of this nature is centralized only in the Madya Mandala of this mother earth and it is known as Heladeepa in this era. It is our motherland, Janbudveepa. It is this Siri Lakbima.

The Buddhist literature and Tripitaka literature say that a kingdom called Kethumathi will come in to exist in the future. We have heard a lot of information about it. In another hundred eleven years (111) of time, at the end of this Buddha Kalpa i.e. at the end of Sasana of Gautama Buddha, a dynasty called Kethu will come in to exit in this Helabima  and that will be the begging of a new era where the Chakravarti Kings of that dynasty will rule the world with Dasa Raaja Dharma.

Until it exists the Buddha Sasana of Gautama Buddha, until it exists the Magga which directs people to acquire wholesome acts – Kusal – and directs them towards the understanding of Nibbana, (this is called the era of thousand life – the era where it exists the life of the Four Noble Truths, the Tripitaka says) or in other word until it exists the life of the power (Pana, the life) of Dhamma Chakra which was held by the Gautama Buddha that day at Isipathanaarama monastery in Isinbassagala, people and the god will be able to attend in to the supreme bliss of Nibbana. After preaching of sublime Dhamma by Gautama Buddha that day in Isipathana he released the Buddha Shakthi to the world. With the cessation of that Shakthi, the era comes neat is Kaliyuga. The Kaliyuga is filled with people who are bound with Keles and they are tend to commit more and more sins. This Kaliyuga is followed by the destruction of Kalpa and again it is followed by an era of Chakravarti Dynasty.

Because of this, it should be understood that the era comes in prior to the Enlightenment of all the Buddhas will certainly be an era of Chakravarti Dynasty. This is a constant and is the nature of Darmatha.

A Chakravarti Dynasty called Kethu will rule this Helabima prior to the Enlightenment of Maithree Buddha. There will be 7 Chakravarti Kings in this dynasty. They rule the country based on the principles of righteousness and they do let the people to acquire merits, make all the arrangements for people to attend in to meritorious acts. After that, this particular Chakravarti Dynasty will come to an end. After 99 years of that, Maithree Buddha will attend in to his Enlightenment.

In prior to the Enlightenment of Gautama Buddha, 7 Chakravarti kings called Rawana reigned this Helabima. After the end of the reign of those seven kings, who came next to the throne was Rawana 8. We have heard about this king through the Ramayana and he was not possessed with any powers of Chakravarti Kings. This king is also coming from the Chakravarti Dynasty and there are many details about this King Rawana in the Ramayana text. But a war was scheduled between an Indian king called Rama and a Rawana king who had lost all the Chakravarti powers. A Chakravarti King does not want to go in to a war, show his powers and win foreign lands. They control and conquer all the kings and lands in the world by using the Chakra Rathna. The Chakravarti Kings do have this ability and the powers given by the Darmatha. The King Rawana 8, who is known to us in Lanka, whose name is mentioned in Ramayana as well, the one who had become the subject matter for many arguments and debates in the present day, was the son of the final Chakravarti King, Rawana seventh. As he worked against the Dasa Raaja Dharma, he lost the powers of Chakravarti and the kingship of Chakravarti. Based on this explanation, the King Rawana mentioned in the story of RamaRawana was a descendant of the Chakravarti Dynasty and was an ordinary king.

The ear of 242 years prior to the Enlightenment of Gautama Buddha this Helabima  was reigned by the final Chakravarti King Rawana. There were 7 Chakravarti Kings in the same Rawana Dynasty who ruled this Helabima for a very long period of time and they guided their people to acquire merits which would guide them for Nibbana in the Sasana of Gautama Buddha.

In the time that Kashyapa Buddha attended in to his Enlightenment, this Janbudveepa was known as Mandadeepa. In prior to the Enlightenment of Kashyapa Buddha in the Mandadeepa, there were 14 Chakravarti Kings in the “Thaaraka Dynasty” and they reigned the country for a very long period of time. During the era of Kashyapa Buddha numerous people and gods got the opportunity to attend in to Nibbana. It was purely because of the fact that there had been numerous blessed people over a very long period of time.

Accordingly, even before the ear of the Enlightenment of Konagama Buddha there was a Chakravarti Dynasty called “Bali” who reined this Helabima . The name given to this Deepa i.e. the island was Oja Deepa. In that era there had been 7 Chakravarti kings in the Bali Dynasty.

This island was known as Wara Deepa in prior to the Enlightenment of Kakusanda Buddha. There had been 5 Chakravarti Kings in the “Mandaathu Dynasty” who had ruled the country before Kakusanda Buddha.

The next Buddha to come is Maithree Buddha and after his Enlightenment a dynasty of Chakravarti Kings will not come in to being in this Helabima. It will be end of Dhamma and the raise of Adamma i.e. the goodness will be suppressed by the badness. In this era, all the people act only towards the unrighteousness. Because of that, this era will be the start of the end of the world. After the ‘doom’ of the world, this earth will turn in to the level where it will not further be suitable enough for the living beings. In that period, in the Badra Kalpa no any Buddha will realize the Dhamma and attend in to the Enlightenment.

This Maha Badra Kalpa was started from the dynasty of Maha Sammatha Kings. It will come to an end with the dawn of Buddha Kalpawhich is started after the Enlightenment of Maithree Buddha. After the end that Buddha Kalpa, what comes next is the Abuddopaada Kala, where no any Buddha will come in the world. This ear too will come to end soon. And then what comes next is the end, the doom of the world. This is explained in the first paragraph in Mahavamsa.

The Enlightenment of a Buddha or coming in to the throne of a Chakravarti King will occur only in this country, Helabima  where we were born, but not in any other country or island in the world. It is because of the fact that the righteous end of the Madya Mandala of the earth is situated in our Helabima. The unrighteous end of it is situated in the other end, today the world known it as The Bermuda Triangle. Because of that, this island, this county, the most sacred country in the world was given many different distinctive terms from the very ancient past such as Peradiga Muthu Ataya – The Pearl in the East, Rathna Deepa – The Island of Jewels, Janbudveepa – The Island where Buddha was born, Dharma Deepa – The Island of Dhamma.

There are descriptive explanations about the characteristics and the powers of the Chakravarti Kings in the Chakkawaththi Seehanaada Sutta in the Tripitaka Canon. No any historical book, text or literature in the world that one can find the information about Chakravarti Kings other than in the Buddhist Tripitaka literature. The “Sakvithi Raju – The Chakravarti King comes in to throne only in an Abuddopaada kaala, the era where no any Buddha will come to the word, but not in a Buddopaada kaala, the era where a Buddha will come to the word. He rules the country only with Dasa Raaja Dharma, he has gained Anaarya Dynahas, the trances which are not noble and had gained the highest knowledge. He is possessed with high mental powers and seven precious stones or fortunes called Rathnassuch as Chakra Rathna, Hasthi Rathna, Assa Rathna, Mani Rathna, Iththi Rathna, Gahapathi Rathna and Parinaayaka Rathna. In a time frame of this nature people cannot gain the knowledge, wisdom to fulfill, to understand Sathara Sathi Pattana, Sathara Bojjanga and Attangika Magga. The people who had heard about them, who know these Dhamma too will not be available in the world. This is an era where all the ones will enjoy the worldly pleasures and attend in to meritorious acts, Pin Kam.

Unlike in this present world no any country will be defeated, no any new empires will be established through the torture and punishment, wars and imposing of unjustifiable rules and regulations, hate, anger and injustice. These are not the characteristics of a kingdom of Chakravarti. When Chakra Rathna comes in to action, with the effect of Darmatha, all the kings in all the countries will come under the custody of the Chakravarti King. No one even think of going against a Chakravarti King. The Chakravarti Kings who are noble, righteous and pious had ruled this Helabima in the past. They reigned the whole world. If any ordinary person uses these titles, the series of eulogies such as Sakvithi and Chakravarti for his personal use, he will not be able to bear the majesty of this title and as a fact he will have to experience all the difficulties in life. If any one wishes to use the Chakravarti title he should practice the Dasa Raaja Dharma and gain the powers of Dhamma.

Next Chapter…

[1] The Ten Royal Qualities – Dana (Gifting), Parithyaga (Sacrifice), Sila (Virtue), lrju (Uprightness), Murdu (Soft), Avihimsa (Non-harm), Akrodaya (Non-ill will), Kanthi (Forbearance), Avirodita (Non-conflict). (Read more in Appendix).


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